Archive | October, 2011

I’m Moving

17 Oct

So, I’m moving. Not physically moving, just moving on the internet, which thankfully doesn’t involve much heavy lifting. This little site has served me well for the past year or so, but I’ve upgraded.

You’ll now find me (and this blog) over at along with my illustration and writing & editing portfolios, a link to my shop, and lots of other awesome bells and whistles. It’s the full shebang over there, and I’m pretty excited about it. This blog won’t be updated anymore, but it will stay active for a little while before being permanently retired. Everything has been transferred, so you’ll find it all at my new site. So, please head over and take a look around the new site and blog. I hope you like what you see.

Under Construction

3 Oct

Ladies and gents, I may be absent for a short little while. I’m currently in the process of upgrading my blog to something fancier and way more awesome. I’ll be unveiling it in the near future, so stayed tuned!