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Under Construction

3 Oct

Ladies and gents, I may be absent for a short little while. I’m currently in the process of upgrading my blog to something fancier and way more awesome. I’ll be unveiling it in the near future, so stayed tuned!

Spring Break

27 Apr

Ladies and gents, I’m taking a two-week hiatus here on the blog, but I plan to come back from my Spring Break with some fun posts, new projects around the house, and hopefully lots of great new drawings. See you then!

The Blog Begins

21 Jul

The first post of a blog is kind of like a first date. It’s a little awkward and you really just want to get it over with so you can settle in some and start to get comfortable.
So what’s the point of all this? Simply, I love creating things and seeing what others create. This blog is my contribution to the conversation among the community of creative individuals who are wonderfully connected by the internet. I hope you enjoy what I have to say. I’m glad that’s over. Now let’s get on with it.